Warm Outdoor Dehaze - Facet.space

Warm Outdoor Dehaze

Warm Outdoor Dehaze

Matt Stanton
Open in Facet

Sometimes all an image needs is a bit of color to capture the mood and the moment. The simple exercise of adding a warm glow is the easiest to bring your picture to life and this community Style does just that. Oftentimes landscapes can come across on the cool side, so adding a warm tint gives these images an inviting mood. In these example images, the orange tint reminds us of the passion and energy that nature inspires, which is sometimes lost in the raw image file. With this Style you can change the picture background. Facet Styles are just the beginning - apply them to your project and then explore how you can alter it - with adjustments, new effects, etc. -  to fit your project.

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Warm Outdoor Dehaze