Edit at scale
Batch Editing
Enjoy complete control when editing multiple images simultaneously. Batch Edit gives you the ability to edit Layer Styles across all images within a project - or just the images you select.
Projects Library
Source and remix content from your own library and shared libraries. Your images are in one convenient place online where you can organize them by projects and tag them with stars and custom labels.
Quickly explore visual directions - then save different versions all within the same file. All versions can be custom named, so you can quickly toggle between and remix version layer styles until you get the perfect one.
Collaborate across projects
Share a work-in-progress—or final draft—with just a link. Every project is an API endpoint, so you can integrate with platforms for file sharing, content management, digital asset management, ad servers, and social media.
Give and get feedback directly in the project. Mark up drafts and request and review revisions - all within Facet.
Real time co-editing
Edit projects with your teammates in real-time. Conflicted copies or out-of-date versions are a thing of the past. Everyone stays in sync as projects progress.
Mia Sakai
Get smart layers
Facet creates smart layers from your images. These layers are supercharged with semantics, so retouching is powerful. You can click and style anything, all without drawing masks.
What if this looked like that?
Facet works the way you think. Transfer color, texture, and style directly from your visual inspiration. The lighting, color palettes, and mood automatically match. Explore the spectrum of possibilities.
Multiply your vision
Define the look and feel of one image, and then let Facet intelligently tailor all other images accordingly. Eliminate repetitive manual edits with easy batch editing.
Flow into any platform
Publish and share your Facet project with just a link as an API endpoint. You can integrate with platforms for file sharing, content management, digital asset management, ad servers, and social media. Whether in draft or final form, your images can seamlessly connect into your existing workflows.
Get started now
Facet’s is free to try in your browser—no waitlist, no credit card, no roadblocks.